Saturday, July 12, 2008

My First Letter

I’m sure that if we want to live happily, more better if we helping each other. Even we not an angel, we can try to be a better person from do something kind for other people. No matter what your reasons, it can be a great way to change things, change this life more meaningfull, and give a little happiness for other people. :)

Maybe we don't know how to start. It's so simple. You can start from your family like say that u love them, give a kiss and hug for your parents in the morning, help your brother and sister with do something they would not expect you to do, spend a special time with your big family, or give a flower to your grandparents. Don't forget to give attention to your friends, you can write a note to say thank you for them, show that you feel get a blessings because you have them as your good friend in your life.

I think, even it's just a litlle things, it can make us to learn about ourself, learn about others, and learn about this real life. One smile from other people, can add our happiness.

1 comment:

NOw Or NeVeR !!! said...

Hmm Good idea , helping person making my heart feeling peace ... n i hope it's same with you .. are you a little angel..??